dilluns, 24 de setembre del 2012

Is it possible to live wothout computers nowadays?

In my opinion computers are very useful, so I think that they are essential.

Firstly, people use the computers in their job, also the companies use Internet programmes. They can contact immediately to the other employers in different countries and it is very easy to work because they have the help of videoconferences.

Secondly, people use the computers to do most of their daily activities. For example, children can play videogames, do the homework and chat with their friends. Adults use computers to make the accounts and even to do the shopping online.

In conclusion, I think computers are very important because people use them every day and we will need those technological gadgets more often.

Writing 1

diumenge, 23 de setembre del 2012


My name is Vera, I’m seventeen years old, now I’m in 2nd Batxillerat and this is my English blog. I'll use this blog for sharing my writings, my warm-ups and others works that I will have done in class. The purpose of this blog consist in having all the work done in class filed in a blog.
I hope to improve my engish as much as possible with this blog.